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Coding with Codecademy

Ever wanted to learn how to code but don't know where to start? Learning how to code can be overwhelming and even intimidating. Luckily, there are tons of resources on the web for prospective coders of any age, and at any level. Best of all, they're (mostly) free. Most introduction to web development courses are offered for free and require only a laptop or free downloadable software and can be taken online or in person at places like Bitmaker or Brainstation.
I decided to try Codecademy's "Make a website" course because I liked the flexibility of the course. I could easily pick up where I left off whenever I could. I liked how structured the path was and how each step provided check points and definitions. Each lesson was pretty digestible and easy to follow, However, I found it restrictive at times. The course focuses on teaching students 1) HTML 2) CSS and 3) Bootstraps by following a set of instructions that eventually look like a predetermined website. You have to follow the code and content to continue to the next step. I would have liked to have more flexibility in creating a website that I might find useful. In addition, I found the jump from CSS to Bootstraps quite difficult, and I definitely needed more practice or clarification. Luckily, Codecademy offers additional instructional materials for their pro users. I definitely want to try the next course "Make an Interactive Website" but I want to hammer down HTML, CSS, and Bootstraps first. Scroll down below to check out my sweet badges and some completed code that I was able to alter in the HTML module!

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